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Delta Piano Trio shines... review of the Davos Festival on

Aug. 8, 2020 

Wonderful review for the Delta Piano Trio at the Davos Festival! Read the full article in German here.

"Delta Piano Trio brilliert"

"Aufwühlend bis zur letzten Note"

"Die Interpretation dieses Werkes durch das Delta Piano Trio kennzeichnete eine Durchdringung, wie man sie nur selten im Konzertsaal hört. In allen Parametern perfekt aufeinander abgestimmt, nach allen Extremen greifend, um die hier in Noten gefasste Tragik in ihrer ganzen Bandbreite fühlen zu lassen, musizierten sie hinreißend und konfrontierten die Zuhörer ohne Rücksicht mit dieser Schmerz überladenen Musik."

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" instant ear-grabber..."

Norman Lebrecht, Slipped Disc

“The Shostakovich is a gutsy performance, magnificent in its grasp and fully in tune with the composer’s many faces… The piano is superbly recorded, and the balance between the three musicians expertly judged… A wonderful, enriching performance…”
Colin Clarke, International Piano Magazine

"...a highly impressive ensemble..."

Richard Bratby, Gramophone Magazine

“… rhythmically strong… sparkling… the Delta Piano Trio has a common vision…”

de Volkskrant 

"The Delta Piano Trio is a bright-eyed and talented ensemble of young musicians. I am delighted that they bring their gifts to my music with such passion and mature understanding." 

Lera Auerbach

"Glowing performances of three great piano trios. Be it in the most energetic or in the very quiet and meditative passages, the Delta Piano trio plays with great intensity and crackling tension."

Remy Frank, Pizzicato Magazine

"..with youthful vigor, many ideas, cheeky wit and deep thoughtfulness they delight their audience. Non-ending applause is the reward. Not only that, their great stage presence and wonderful playing are a delight, their playing position, the eye contact, the visible effort, the being overcome with the impressive fortissimo passages - all this makes the second part of the concert to an absolute highlight for all the senses. One would have liked to have heard more.."

Stefan Reitbauer,  Drehpunkt Kultur

"Regarded by fellow musicians as one of the most promising young ensembles, the Delta Piano Trio have made a name for themselves with their raw, uncompromising musicianship, their energy and a willingness to invest oneself beyond comfort..."

Julian Hanck, Bachtrack

"..brilliant, thoughtful and novel music-making. I cannot speak highly enough of the Delta Piano Trio. If this adventurous issue is anything to go by, theirs is a future of infinite promise."

Richard Hanlon, Music Web International

“The playing of the ‘Deltas’ is highly concentrated and of equal intellectual clarity, while infinitely fragile, even tender, spiced with a pinch of nostalgia… the famous Trio no. 2 by Shostakovich bursts with vitality.”

Christo Lelie, Trouw

"...powerful and convincing...the Delta Piano Trio delivers strongly characterized performances..."

BBC Music Magazine

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